Episode 10: Selling Through Story with Ravi Rajani
Feb 06, 2023
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In episode 10 of the Rev Up Sales podcast, we are going to talk about the power of storytelling with an amazing guest, Ravi Rajani.
Ravi showed incredible talent and creativity from a young age. He used to go to dancing classes when he was a kid; he didn’t necessarily love it, but because of those classes he felt something he had never felt before and secretly thought it was amazing.
He discovered theatre later on and became very good at it. His family used to encourage him to take speaking or acting seriously because they thought he was pretty good at it, but Ravi said, “no way, I’m going to go make some money”.
That’s when he went to business school and ended up on the trading floor at Citibank where he began his career in corporate sales, which is what he really wanted to do.
Once he got there, he started to feel like there was something else out there for him, but he didn't know what it was at the time. So, he pressed eject in 2016 and started doing TV appearances in the UK, doing radio, coaching, leading and building sales teams in early-stage startups.
Ravi recognised there were three things that really slapped him in the face. He asked himself, number one, why are so many salespeople stuck selling with features? Number two, why do they have presentations with no personality? And number three, why do they not include any storytelling?
He felt like it was illegal to showcase who people really were and that's what led him to the big mission he is accomplishing nowadays; helping sales teams sell more with stories and doing it in a way that is authentic and without compromising who they truly are.
Ravi never imagined he would end up working in storytelling, but his trajectory has made him aware of the relevance that stories have for people in general, so now, he uses them towards building great business relationships.
Listen to this episode to learn more about storytelling and how you can use it to approach clients while providing them with value and solutions. Ravi is going to tell us in detail how he does it and we’re sure you are going to learn a lot from him.
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