Episode 11: A Winning Sales Mindset with Luigi Prestinenzi
Feb 06, 2023
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In this episode, we are going to talk about mindset with an amazing guest, Luigi Prestinenzi.
Luigi is the co-founder and head of growth at SalesIQ. He is highly regarded in the Learning and Development industry having led major transformation projects with some of the world's most respected companies.
He has been in sales for almost 20 years and that experience has taught him that mindset is at the core of every successful and unsuccessful deal.
For Luigi, mindset is all about the way we show up. In order to be successful in any sale, you have to have a good mindset. Skill definitely takes part in this too, but mindset is what underlays every set of skills you can develop.
If you look at the days that don't go well, when you look at the deals that might have gone a bit south, and when things didn't go the way that you thought they would go. It probably wasn’t a result of your skillset, but a result of the way you behaved through the process.
That’s why Luigi recognises two possibilities; you can either have a positive or a negative mindset.
Both of them will have an impact on your performance and on the outcome, but only one of them can practically guarantee failure.
So, what can you do to have a good mindset? First of all, Luigi encourages you to pay more attention to the things you can control.
Evidently, in this life there are things we have control over and things we don’t have control over so, it is very unlikely that worrying about things you don’t have any influence on is going to lead you to good results.
This may sound simple, but it makes a huge difference, and there are other elements of mindset that have an enormous influence on the results too.
Listen to this episode to learn how to work on your mindset so that you can get the most out of every situation. We are going to talk about some of the areas where it plays a huge role so that you can identify what you need to work on the most and make sure that what you bring to the table works for everyone, including yourself.
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