Episode 17: Why SDR Teams Fail
Feb 06, 2023
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SDRs are a crucial component of a sales team, they assist prospects in identifying solutions to their problems, and they focus on moving, and qualifying leads through the sales pipeline.
Their role is very important for organisations but, very often, businesses hire the wrong people for this role. Why?
Because they have a deep belief that hiring extroverted and ambitious people is always the way to go. You’d probably think that too, but let me tell you, it’s not.
There are a couple of different elements that make great SDRs and in this episode, we are going to talk about them, we’re also going to dive into what is causing SDR teams to fail so badly.
For this purpose, we are joined by Ricky Pearl, a man who loves problem-solving and who has a lot of experience with this particular issue.
From birthday treasure hunts with his family to complex business challenges, Ricky has never been presented with a problem that he hasn't relished the opportunity to solve -the more creative the solution the better.
When he noticed that many business owners seemed to be encountering the same issues with hiring, training, and managing their sales teams - he knew there "was something there."
He drew on his extensive management, sales, and technical experience to create Pointer - an outsourced sales agency that uniquely provides "sales as a service" to businesses who don't have the time or resources to effectively manage their own internal sales department.
The other day, I was reading some stats and a large global consulting organisation said that if an organization's hiring SDRS, typically 30 to 40% of them will not work out, and they'll leave the team.
Those numbers are crazy! So, what can be done to have an SDR team that does what it should, where people don’t have the need to walk out as soon as they can?
In this episode, we are going to answer that question and we’re going to touch on all the problems that make SDR teams fail. Listen to this episode to know what things you should be paying attention to when you hire SDRs so that your team doesn’t end up following the same path those 30 to 40% have.
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