Episode 6: You Don’t Have to be Liked to Sell with Benjamin Dennehy
Feb 06, 2023
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In this Episode we speak with The UK's Most Hated Sales Trainer!
Our infamous guest, Benjamin Dennehy, unpacks the misconception that you need to build strong relationships with people in order to sell to them.
Benjamin Dennehy, aka the ‘UK’s Most Hated Sales Trainer’, is an engaging sales speaker and sales trainer who will explain that the barriers cemented within the selling process are the fault of childhood programming, poor beliefs, and general hatred of being in sales. Dennehy brings an antipodean brutality and charm to the sales experience that many have never encountered before.
It turns out that sometimes the best way to make a name for yourself is to, quit literally. make up a title for yourself. Interestingly, with Benjamin, he gave himself the title of “the most hated” because it both makes him memorable and he won’t be fighting anyone over the title.
Pure brilliance.
And if you think this is somehow gaming the system, think about who gave Nike, “Just Do It” or McDonalds, “I’m Lovin’ It” - exactly whom is “lovin’ it”? Making a name for yourself may help you stand out and be remembered, but that isn’t enough. It turns out, you actually have to back it up with results.
Benjamin also went on to throw another sacred cow on the grill, stating that, most in sales have it all wrong when it comes to having that charismatic, outgoing likable personality so that more people will buy from them. He went on to state that, “You don’t have to be liked to sell.” You see, to Ben, it’s not the more people like you, the more they buy, on the contrary, they buy from those they trust. Sometimes the experts we trust, flat out are not likable.
When you hire a lawyer to defend you, how important to you is likability? How about a cardiovascular surgeon, do you look forward to watching his videos on instagram or checking out his or her family vacation pics on Instagram? Hell no. We want a the best lawyer who knows law and has a history of getting results for his clients and a surgeon who cuts straight, does it right, and you don’t need a second visit for fixing mistakes.
So, watch or listen to this episode to hear a fresh perspective that may get you even more comfortable selling by being more of yourself, focusing on connecting with people and getting results that people actually want.
I’m sure you’ll find this conversation relevant in your journey and we hope it helps you in any way either in your life or in your career.
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